
Office Access

The Office is on the first floor of the Ducal Palace and can be reached from the “Paper Door”entrance (*Porta della Cart*) near the Basilica by climbing the grand staircase.

Porta della Carta . Loggiato

  • People who are unable to use the staircase leading to the “Paper door” above [Porta della Carta] may enter our office through the elevator inside (normally not for public use), which can be reached through the “Straw Door” [Porta della Paglia]. You should first notify the doorman by telephone at: 04127101060, 04171011 or 0412710130.
  • Those coming from Piazzale Roma or the Train Station who want to avoid crossing bridges should take the waterbuses on lines 3 or 4 and disembark at *Saint Mark’s*.

Itineraries without barriers

Accessible Venice

C.A.R.E. Accessible Cities of European Regions

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Ultima modifica 26-05-2005 01:16 PM
pubblicato il 2007/05/07 19:05:02 GMT+2 ultima modifica 2018-05-28T12:59:20+02:00

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